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We feel part of a single ecosystem, social and environmental, we feel responsible for its balance

The search for a possible balance between the exploitation of resources for growth and their conservation for the well-being of the planet has as its common denominator the principle of responsibility.

As a company we are responsible for the development of our production activities, but we are also responsible for the impact they cause on the natural environment and the way in which we interact.
with the entire community, both internal and external to the company itself.

Our actions aim to achieve a possible balance between what we ask for and what we give back, imagining a future in which the logic of consumption is increasingly based on the principles of awareness and responsibility.

This is why when we talk about sustainability we prefer to use the word responsibility .

This is why when we talk about consumers , we prefer to call them aware users .

Clear in language, aware in choices.


    Our commitment to research and innovation for the development of products with reduced environmental impact.


    Our commitment to reviewing industrial operations, for management aimed at reducing consumption and environmental impact.


    Our relationship with the natural and social environment, inspired by the values of awareness and responsibility.


To formalize and make official its commitment, AKU publishes every year a RESPONSIBILITY REPORT that outlines an overall picture of the activities carried out in the field of product, industrial operations and in favor of the community, in terms of responsible action.


The document that summarizes the principles according to which the company intends to operate, binding its suppliers to respect the same principles .