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The 4th and penultimate stage of the H&F Italian League circuit takes place in the municipality of Bondone, in the splendid setting of Lake Idro. You didn't count wrong: unfortunately the 3rd stage was first postponed due to bad weather but also on the second date the weather didn't allow for safe flying. The organizers, in agreement with the athletes, rightly decided by mutual agreement to cancel the Sesto Pusteria event.
Returning to the news of the weekend of July 6th, the meeting was at 8.30 . Immediately after the ritual operations, the pilots battled over an initial difference in altitude of 1200m, passing along the path, in the castle of San Giovanni, an enchanted place once home to the episcopal principality of Trento. Having gained the first useful take-off, immediately in front of everyone the defending champion Titta Scalet of the AKU team takes off towards the first mark followed by Helmut Schrempf, Centa, Sassudelli, Gruber, Pelacchi, Grossrubatscher, Voltan who have no intention of letting them escape. The day immediately puts the best riders on the circuit to the test: Now, the typical wind of Garda is not easy to tame. The extremely difficult conditions allow only Titta and Schrempf to overcome the turn point, completing the task of the top landing, and then continuing the route. In the meantime, 2 hours before the start, the famous Garda wind decides to give the pilots still in the air a break, leaving them room to overcome the difficulties imposed by the route and complete the route.
At 2.00 pm the first to cross the finish line was the AKU driver Titta Scalet followed in second place by Helmut Schrempf who decided to leave us in suspense by crossing the lake along the entire edge, taking advantage of the strong wind to place his feet under the starting arch. On the third step of the podium was a lively Federico Benini Floriani in his first appearance in the Pro category .
The winner in the Fun category , competing on the same track with lower mileage, was Alessandro Magagna, author of a great performance, second place for Pietro Pisu and third place on the podium for Simone Sassudelli.
The women's classification has a completely unexpected outcome: Favarotto and Della Brida give a great sporting moment by crossing the finish line together , unfortunately just outside the maximum time. With the flying conditions of last weekend, the greatest difficulty was precisely in finishing the course, proof of an excellent performance in a course with conditions that were difficult to read due to their unique peculiarity.

Everyone is ready for the take-off of the final in Valsesia , at the foot of Monte Rosa, on the weekend of 14/15 September .

IV stage of the Hike&Fly Italia 2024 championship