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AKU Ambassadors

Elisa Bessega & Leonardo Panizza

Photographers and environmental activists

Elisa , lover of the highlands, photographer, activist and zero-waster. Born in the province of Padua, in the flattest place in Italy, she approached the mountains very late, but from her first trek it left an indelible mark on her personality and lifestyle. From that moment he dedicated much of his time to the outdoors, moving permanently to Trento and learning all the mountaineering disciplines from scratch in order to fully experience the mountains in each of its forms. Hand in hand with the discovery of this sense of belonging to nature, he changes his way of life by trying to minimize his impact on the environment, he becomes passionate about the SLOW and ZERO IMPACT philosophy and tries to apply it first in everyday life and then on excursions: he self-produces most of the products he uses at home and where it is not possible he commits to buying them in bulk. When she is not busy spending her time outdoors she writes and talks about her passions through images and collaborates with the activist collective The Outdoor Manifesto.

Leonardo , a psychologist, has always frequented the mountains of Trentino, an assiduous user of bivouacs and has always paid particular attention to moving independently. In the various ascents he tries to underline the exploratory and knowledge side of the territory rather than the performative one. He often decides to sleep in a bivouac without leaning on the refuge for an all-encompassing immersion in nature, without filters or facilities. Without using shortcuts, you can discover that adventure is just a stone's throw from home. Getting informed and knowing the mountains in which you move is something that enriches the experience and makes it more respectful of the places. He dedicates his time mainly to climbing, ski mountaineering and mountaineering but is also passionate about trekking, always strictly independently. Auto produces vegetables and eggs thanks to four very white hens.

“The mountain is not something to be bent to suit one's will, it must not have just happened”