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Alessandra Prato

Mountaineer & Climber

Alessandra Prato is a promise of modern mountaineering. The climbing style with large movements is accompanied by a dreamer's gaze, always tending upwards. Indeed, the climber from Milan has her destiny in celestial bodies: Luna as one of the nicknames attributed to her, a double degree in physics and astrophysics as the origins of her professional career.

"I started climbing in 2017: since I touched the rock for the first time I have never stopped: it took me, it absorbed me, it devoured me, damn climbing, it drove me crazy. Everything else passed into second floor with disarming simplicity, without me even realizing it. Shortly after I discovered the Vie Lunghe (thanks to the 2018 CAI di Roccia of course): the end. Then came mountaineering, ice climbing, ski mountaineering, the waterfalls .

I am a free spirit, and constraints make me suffer. Climbing has long been my main outlet, my happy place that no one can disturb: a pretext to escape from problems, the only one in which I can truly feel free."

There are several iconic rock towers on which Alessandra has already demonstrated her talent, attempting first level repetitions: from Mont Blanc to the Dolomites, from the Valle dell'Orco to the Matterhorn. Her talent did not escape the attention of Matteo della Bordella, who in 2023 selected her together with fourteen other young Italian climbers for the "CAI Eagle Team" project, in collaboration with CAI (Club Alpino Italiano) and CAAI (Club Alpino Accademico Italiano ). An experience that led her to climb in a roped party with some symbols of mountaineering, cultivating the dream of being part of the international expedition to Patagonia in 2025.

"Exploration is what ties everything together. For me, exploring means going towards the unknown with your mind, eyes, hands and heart. This is the common thread between my passion for the Universe and that for 'mountaineering. Know more'